Degree Programs — Underground Seminary
We can’t liberate people from empire if we can’t see it and its devastating effects for what they are.
— Pastor Jin S. Kim, Founder


Each of our three degree programs- MDiv, ThM, and DMin- includes the same two-year core curriculum.

The school year runs from September-May, with possible summer activities available for those interested. The course of study is divided into three interweaving units aimed at 1) exposing the workings of empire and its effects on people and the earth 2) understanding the bible as a counter-imperial witness 3) healing the uprootedness and dis-ease caused by empire.

Class meets four mornings a week and is taught seminar style, with emphasis placed on personal integration of material. Unit projects are assigned throughout and include everything from sermon writing to stand-up comedy routines, plant identification to family genealogy. Visits to and from local, national, and international friends and communities are also part of each cohort’s learning. Residential students live together in community housing and participate in life, worship, and ministry in the wider Church of All Nations community. 


Our Master of Divinity program consists of the two-year core curriculum.


Our Master of Theology program consists of the two-year core curriculum, plus a final integrative project in the form of a personal reflection on identity and vocation.


Our Doctor of Ministry program consists of the two-year core curriculum, plus one additional year to write a dissertation or another approved final project. One must have at least three years relevant ministry experience to enroll in our DMin program.